The story so far…

Remember when going out used to be fun? Do you prefer dancing to posing? Does your idea of dressing to impress have nothing to do with designer labels and everything to do with finding a gorilla costume in the perfect shade of purple? Bored of identikit ‘edgy’ nights called Fraktion, Elastik, and other ironically misspelt words? Well despair no more because THE HONG KONG PING PONG CLUB is here to restore your faith in the weekends!
Playing an eclectic mix including everything from breaks, to dub step, to hip hop, to Peruvian pipe music (okay maybe not the last one) DJs MORPHOSIS and FAT HARRY have spent the last few years working their musical magic to establish HKPP as one of the most vibrant, unique, and fun nights in the South West. As their popularity grew so too did the HKPP family, enlisting such nefarious characters as hip hop and scratch maestro DJ SPINFORTH and conga percussionist SPEEDY GONZALEZ to the cause.
From its humble roots as the trail blazing NSB radio show Beating The Crates, to its Godzilla-like conquering of the South West club scene, HKPP has kept the three F’s, ‘fresh, funky, and fun (and feathers…no, wait)’ as its mantra. Along the way they have picked up such accolades as a 2011 Breakspoll nomination for best small event, 2011 NSB award for the best alternative radio show, the 2010 best little south DJ of the year award for Morphosis, and Fat Harry once placed highly recommended in the Marldon Apple Pie Fair.
It doesn’t matter if it’s in Cornwall, London, Sydney, or Montreal, wherever they are booked the brave men of HKPP endeavour to provide a night unlike any other.  So don’t just sit at home fantasising about the best night out that never happened, come and experience it for real with THE HONG KONG PING PONG CLUB. Purple gorilla costumes are of course optional.

robot thanks @JoshuaDavis for the tip